Commercial Project

Taking you back to the 60's

A hotel inspired by the 60’s? We were curious to see that! 

Some time ago, Centura had the pleasure of collaborating with designer Isabelle Bélisle from Zabb design collective, on a rather unusual hotel project. 

The owners’ initial vision was quite clear: a unique establishment that traces the history of the city of Montreal. It was in this artistic direction that the designer had to go. 

The Uville Hotel is not only a unique hotel in Montreal because it retraces the history of the city, but also because it allows the visitor to immerse himself in his memories. Isabelle explains: “Our team took pleasure in rediscovering the crazy and charged trends of the 60’s & 70’s! We researched unconventional materials to bring out the most beautiful and inspiring of them”.


From the selection of materials 

To materialize this crazy vision, we had to choose materials that could make you travel in time. The selection of tiles from the Mono collection in 8 x 8 and 4 x 4 for the bathrooms of the bedrooms was therefore an obvious choice for the designer. According to Isabelle, “their sizes are a direct reminder of the conservative years at the dawn of modernization and they offered us the opportunity to have fun creating a wide variety of patterns and colour schemes!

As for the bedrooms, the choice was quickly made for the Mirra collection: vinyl tiles that bring warmth to the bedroom floor. Also, the Mirra vinyl brings a certain resilience that harmonizes well with the busy and very colourful decorations.


Isabelle Bélisle
Zabb design

Installed products

23 colours

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