Aqua Mix® Cement Grout Haze Remover

  • SKU cegrhareg
  • SKU cegrhareq

An acidic treatment designed to remove cementitious grout haze. Also effective for the removal of most hard water stains, rust stains, efflorescence and lime deposits. Contains no phosphates.

  • $39.99
  • $16.99
  • Removes cured grout haze and mortar smears
  • Cleans hard water stains, rust and soap scum
  • Dissolves efflorescence
  • Contains no phosphates
  • Easy-to-use acidic treatment

Uses: Acid resistant natural stone (such as granite and slate), ceramic, porcelain, quarry, saltillo. terracotta and other acid-resistance tile.


  • Do not allow product to come in contact with any non-recommended surface
  • Do not mix with other cleaners
  • Acids of all kinds may etch, lighten, or change the color of cementitious material, metallic glazes and some natural stones such as marble, limestone, travertine and some basalts